Sebastian Herzau
1980 born in Schönebeck
2005 founded dieHO-KünstlerOrganisation opening of Produzentengalerie dieHO-Galerie in Magdeburg
2007-2012 Study of painting at the university: Burg Giebichenstein Halle bei Prof. Ute Pleuger
2012 graduates Painting / Grafics
seit 2016 künstlerischer Leiter der Mitteldeutschen Kunstmesse KUNST/MITTE, Magdeburg.
Sebastian Herzau lives and works in Halle/Saale und Magdeburg (Germany).
Prices / Stipendien:
2019 Hallescher Kunstpreis
2015 Arbeitsstipendium Kunstverein Röderhof
2014 Arbeitsstipendium der Kunststiftung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt und der Kloster Bergesche Stiftung
2012 Atelierstipendium der Stadt Magdeburg
2009 Gesellschafter Art.Award2009 (1. Preisträger)
In the series “the great below”, Sebastian Herzau deals with portraits, which are changed with the most varied of motifs and techniques so that the viewer of these works of art is encouraged to explore the recognizable. These works of art are deliberately and clearly structured. The excited perception of the viewer does not provide an exact picture of reality.
Sebastian Herzau’s artistic oeuvre is very broad and ranges from landscape painting to portraits and sculptures.